All Destiny 2 Elemental attunements in Season of the Witch

The Destiny 2 Elemental attunements are a new feature that Bungie introduced in the Season of the Witch. These features can only be accessed within the Savathun's Spire activity and used to unlock specific Opaque Cards. The latter can be utilized in the Altar of Summoning activity. These Elemental attunements grant a specific buff to the player based on their element.

With Season of the Witch, Bungie revamped how the Seasonal Activities worked. They replaced the oddly repetitive activities with better and more challenging ones. So how does one unlock these Destiny 2 Elemental attunements?

How to unlock the Destiny 2 Arc, Void, and Solar attunement

You can unlock the first Destiny 2 Elemental attunement during the second week of the Bladed Path questline. After a brief cutscene, you will be able to choose between one of the three Light-based attunements, namely Arc, Void, and Solar.

Upon selecting a Destiny 2 Elemental attunement, you will be tasked with defeating enemies with the elemental abilities and/or weapons based on that choice. For example, if you chose Arc attunement, you must vanquish enemies with Arc weapons and abilities in Savathun's Throne World or in Seasonal Activities.

After completing that step, you will be presented with yet another quest leading into one of the three Lost Sectors in Savathun's Throne World. Here, you must interact with Hive runes. That said, you may choose not to complete the Lost Sector, as it's not mandatory. The Destiny 2 Lost Sector associated with each element is as follows:

  • Solar - Metamorphosis
  • Void - Sepulcher
  • Arc - Extraction

After interacting with all the runes, you will finally be able to unlock the Elemental attunement. With that done, head into Savathun's Spire and interact with the cards that glow with a specific element type. Doing so will unlock the Opaque Card for you.

All Destiny 2 Elemental attunement powers

The Void Arcana in Destiny 2 (Image via Bungie)

Interestingly, upon unlocking an Opaque Card associated with a particular Elemental attunement, you will receive certain buffs whenever the former is active. That said, here are the cards and their powers:

  • Void attunement, Lacuna - Dealing Void damage adds Suppression.
  • Arc attunement, Liminal - Dealing Arc damage adds Jolt.
  • Solar attunement, Ascension - Dealing Solar damage adds Scorch.

These buffs can make your life easier, especially when using powerful offerings in the Altar of Summoning.

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