Greys Anatomy Recap 05/04/23: Season 19 Episode 17 Come Fly With Me

Grey’s Anatomy Recap 05/04/23: Season 19 Episode 17 "Come Fly With Me"

Tonight on ABC their hit drama Grey’s Anatomy returns with an all-new Thursday, May 4, 2023, season 19 episode 17 and we have your Grey’s Anatomy recap below. In tonight’s Grey’s Anatomy season 19 episode 17 called “Come Fly With Me,” as per the ABC synopsis, “Teddy calls an emergency meeting to discuss the intern program. Link wrestles with his own self-doubt as he preps for a massive surgery, and Nick shares some much-needed guidance with a struggling Lucas.”

We are so excited for another season of Grey’s Anatomy so make sure to bookmark this spot and come back from 9 PM – 10 PM ET for our Grey’s Anatomy recap.  While you wait for the recap make sure to check out all our Grey’s Anatomy recaps, spoilers, news & more, right here!

Tonight’s Grey’s Anatomy recap begins now – Refresh Page often to get the most current updates!

In tonight’s Grey’s Anatomy episode, Jules’s roommate Maxine returned to the hospital. She was an elderly woman. She was feeling light on her feet and she wanted to get it checked out. She just didn’t want Jules to know about it. She didn’t want to worry Jules or her family.

Blue promised to look after her only he wanted to ditch her at the first chance he could because he wanted to see the broken man’s surgery. They all became interested in Sam Sutton’s case. Sam was crushed by a boulder. He came in with every bone in his body broken. He could die. He needed multiple surgeries to survive and he still found time to flirt.

He liked flirting with Jo. Jo was technically single. She also wanted to be part of this case because the surgery aspect intrigued her more than anything else. She had asked Link if she could come onboard and he agreed to it because he was hoping to find the time to tell her he has feelings for her.

Only the flirter was quicker on his broken feet than Link was. This has also happened to him before. Link had a crush on her when they first met. He wasn’t as fast as Jo’s first ex-husband in asking Jo out back then. And now he was scared of losing his chance again.

Link also needed these surgeries to go well. His last big surgery had ended in a patient’s death. It was written about in newspapers and he received a lot of hate mail. Link therefore wanted to go slow with Sam. He wanted to perform several surgeries to fix the many broken bones. Owen thought he should do it in one surgery.

There was a risk if they put the patient under prolonged anesthesia, but Owen wanted to risk it. He later talked over Link with the patient. He convinced the guy that one extra long surgery was what he needed. And Sam agreed.

Sam listened to Owen because Owen claimed there were also risks with breaking up the surgeries. Nevermind that those risks were small in comparison to prolong anesthesia. He might never wake up from one and the other would simply mean he has to wait a couple of days to fix everything. Link later asked Owen why he did that. Why he went against the plan? Owen tried to explain that soldiers returning from war craved the adrenaline to feel whole and that Sam was like him. Owen became a surgeon because he needed to be needed.

Link heard him out. He just didn’t think Owen should have gone over his head or against his plan in front of a patient. They were supposed to be working together on this. Link became so angry with Owen that he told him to get out of his face. He didn’t want Owen’s help as he tried to frame a new plan. Link still needed help and so Jo stepped up. She agreed to help him figure out a plan. She worked with the others to come up with one. Owen was eventually welcomed back. The interns also got to watch. And that included Blue.

Blue got Schmitt to prescribe medication for Max. She apparently has a UTI. She doesn’t drink enough water and that’s important with her age. He was supposed to stay by her side until she either got her meds or left the hospital only Sam’s surgery intervened. Max was later found wandering around the hospital.

Bailey spotted her and she walked Max back to the ER. She kinda owed Blue one after he saved her life. Which was why she didn’t shout at him for ignoring a patient. Max’s simple UTI soon caused delirium. She thought Schmitt was her grandson. She was confused. They had to call Jules down as her emergency contact.

Bailey returned to her meeting after helping Max. She and the other Chiefs had come to a decision. They found out that one of their interns was working a second job at a bar to make ends’ meet. They realized that they weren’t paying the interns enough to meet the cost of living in Seattle. They decided to come up with a grant to help with the problem. The grant will allow Mika to earn some extra cash so that she’s no longer selling her blood. She owes it all to Helm. Helm burned out and she hadn’t wanted that to happen to another intern. And she intervened.

Nick also told Lucas why he’s so forgetful. Lucas keeps making mistakes because he has untreated ADHD. Nick told him to up his meds. He thought Lucas had already known he has a disorder and was in treatment for it, but Lucas didn’t suspect a thing until Nick said something. Lucas now knows he needs treatment. He watched Link’s surgery. It was a success. Sam’s bones were repaired and there’s every chance he’ll be alright after some physical therapy. Lucas also talked with Nick about getting help.

Jules also now knows that Blue was willing to risk patients to go after the more interesting surgery. She became worried for Max and it was Simone who was there for her. Not Blue. And Richard finally talked to Helm about what it would take to bring her back to the program. He felt he owed her an apology and he wasn’t the only one. Amelia apologized to both Mika and Winston. She took out her pain and sadness on them. She saw she messed up. She apologized. Mika accepted the apology while Winston just walked away.

