Lindsay Lohan shows up to make braless milkshakes in her nightgown

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Taking impropriety to a newly unhygienic level, Lindsay Lohan showed up to L.A.’s Millions of Milkshakes yesterday to concoct her own shake (creatively enough, it’s vanilla and chocolate ice cream with Oreo cookie bits), show off her tatas, and generally spread disease all over the restaurant. While I’m guessing it was technically a dress, Lindsay’s clothing appears to be just a nightgown. I’m just saying that to give her the benefit of the doubt and not get yelled at in the comments. I don’t really believe it’s anything other than bedtime apparel.

Further providing evidence that she literally rolled out of bed and kept rolling until she crashed into the door of Millions of Milkshakes, Lohan wasn’t wearing a bra. At all. And this nightie/slinky dress was very loose, with huge arm holes – as nightgowns tend to be. Which means you could see all of her business. All of it. The employees quickly rushed to tie Lohan up in an apron, which did next to nothing in terms of boob coverage. It limited the nipple action, but there’s still more side boob going on here than most of us have regular boob.

Oh Lindsay. Miss Lohan. We are in mourning for your career and your dignity after your latest PR stunt to design a milkshake.

Yes – a milkshake.

The one-time actress and notorious Hollywood It-girl visited a milkshake parlour last night, where she mixed her own shake, named after the starlet.

Sporting an apron, plastic gloves – and a serious case of ‘side-boob’ – Lindsay whipped up her own concoction in front of, literally, tens of fans.
The Lindsay Lohan milkshake will now appear on the menu at Millions of Milkshakes in West Hollywood.

LiLo follows in the footsteps of other ‘celebrities’ who have had shakes named after them, including reality TV stars Kim Kardashian, Heidi Montag and Spencer Pratt.

[From the Daily Mail]

Generally speaking, I want to smack the Daily Mail’s writers upside the head. But I’ve got to give them points for calling Lohan a “one-time actress” like it’s just a fact that she’s not anymore. There are also a ton of boob puns in their photo captions which made me giggle because I am actually 11 years old.

There is absolutely no way that Lohan is fit to be around any kind of food prep, let alone touching machines and such. Let’s be honest here people. Look at her getup. Really look at it. I dare one of you to honestly say you believe she’s wearing underwear. I guarandamntee you she’s not. And she probably sat on things and rubbed things and touched things… the mind boggles at the potential diseases that are now festering at Millions of Milkshakes.

Note to the company: getting “celebs” to come in and make their own shake: brilliant publicity. Getting shut down by the Department of Health? Not so much. Something to consider, before you invite Paris Hilton to whip up a smoothie.

Images thanks to .
