Move over, famous skinny pregnant lady, theres a new man-stealer in town

Page Six has a story about OC star Kelly Rowan, who is pregnant with her first child at 42 by her fiance, who also happens to tbe the richest man in Canada and the 10th richest person in the world. That’s a nice story about a hot TV star landing a billionaire and having his child and all, only the guy was married with another baby on the way when Kelly entered the picture.

“The OC” hottie Kelly Rowan is “in the final weeks of her preg nancy,” says a Canadian spy, but is being forced to remain undercover in Montreal because her bil lionaire boyfriend, David Thomson, is “horrified of any publicity.” Thomson is Canada’s richest man and ranked by Forbes as the world’s 10th richest billionaire. He and Rowan are said to be getting married after the April delivery of their kid and, “while [stay ing out of public view] has proven very trying for Kelly, who loves the attention like any normal Hollywood celebrity, she’s willing to give in to her man for fear of ending the whole relation ship,” our source e-mailed. “But she’s just thrilled to have conceived at all in her 40s and to have snagged such a rich prize as Thomson.” Thomson left his second wife while she was pregnant with their first child for Rowan. He has three kids with his first wife.

[From The NY Post]

They say he has a first wife too, so I naturally assumed he left his first wife for his second wife, whom he left for Rowan. The guy is richer than whole sections of the third world put together, you can’t blame Kelly for not worrying about the fact that he was married with a baby on the way when she met him. I’m sure he told her all about how his wife didn’t understand him as they shared gourmet meals in dimly-lit restaurants, quietly mulling over his situation. Neither of them can possibly be blamed for falling prey to a love that was too great to deny.

I’m going on about how this other woman was wronged, and that’s the assumption you might make. I did some googling and found a profile of David Thomson written in May, 2006. It described in incredible detail the many breakups and public problems he had with his second wife. They were estranged several times before she got pregnant in 2005 after fertility treatment at 44. It seems that the truth isn’t always as clear-cut as you might assume based on known details. Thomson didn’t leave his first wife for his second wife, either.

Ironically, there was a picture of Claire Danes next to this article for a section called “This week’s newsmakers.” Danes is considered the responsible party in the breakup of Billy Crudup and Mary Louis Parker. Crudup left Parker when she was seven month’s pregnant with his child for his co-star Danes.

Here’s Rowan with a Romulan Botox vein in January, 2007. Congratulations on her pregnancy and upcoming marriage. Her billionaire fiance wasn’t quite a bachelor when she met him, but he wasn’t in the most stable relationship, either. David Thomson is shown in a photo from, which lists his net worth as 22 billion dollars.


