Terrifying Things Described In The Book Of Revelation

Many of the greatest disaster tales have a bloody and hard-fought climax, and The Book of Revelation does not disappoint. After the world has been ravaged, again and again, the fever-dream tale of woe reaches a crescendo with the armies of the world assembling at Armageddon for a world-ending battle (via Revelation 19:15). The Earth's leaders, led by the Antichrist, attempt to make war on God and his followers, who have descended from heaven riding horses, according to Britannica, and are led by Jesus himself. However, this isn't the gentle Jesus of the Gospels. Instead, he's a fearsome warrior who "treadeth the winepress of the fierceness and wrath of Almighty God," carrying a sword, his eyes spouting flames, and rocking a tattoo on his thigh. And he's not in a forgiving mood, either.

As the battle progresses and the body count rises, an angel calls out to the birds of the earth to come feast on the flesh of those falling in battle, per Revelation 19:18. The head bad guys (including the beasts) are rounded up and thrown into a massive pit filled with brimstone and fire, while Jesus mops up the rest with his sword.

Revelation isn't quite done with the carnage, though, even after God's army claims victory. As Chapter 20 relates, Satan is only sent for a time-out, albeit a thousand-year one, after which it says he "must be loosed a little season." All the while, an eternity in a lake of fire awaits those who would be judged poorly at the end of this hiatus.
